Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Overcoming shyness and social phobia

             Overcoming shyness and social phobia has been something that I have finally gotten over for the most part.  This is a part of my life that I hope I never revisit.  Even though I am not 100% over my social phobia disorder, I would say that I have cured  90% of it.  I am currently finishing up my last year of college and this has been the hardest time for overcoming shyness and social phobia.  From the immature students, to the stuffy classrooms, to professors calling on you at random, social phobia disorder in college is overwhelming at times.  To top it off my major is marketing which involves giving numerous presentations in front of 20+ people.  I have taken classes where I have had to complete 6 presentations in one class alone.  My anxiety goes wild when I am in school and I am surprised I haven’t dropped out by now.  

                Yet, I have to say that college is a major reason why I am overcoming shyness and social phobia altogether.   Even though this has been the most difficult part of my life, I think it is one of the main reasons that I am overcoming shyness and social phobia disorder.  It has taken me out of my comfort zone and forced me to interact with people I normally would not interact with.  

                To sum it up I advise anyone reading this blog to step out of your comfort zone every single day.  This is a process that allows you to grow no matter the discomfort.  I know it might sound crazy but it is a vital step to overcoming shyness and social phobia disorder.  You can’t succeed until you fail over and over again.  Overcoming shyness and social phobia is possible and can happen quicker tan one might realize given the right information.  I want you to start living the life that you are capable of and to break down and barriers that are holding you back.  Keep me updated on your progress.  More tips and tricks to come. 
Best of luck!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Social Phobia Disorder “Exposure”

Social Phobia Disorder and Exposure, what do I mean by this? One major way to overcoming shyness and social phobia is by exposing yourself to social situations.  Trust me, this is very uncomfortable but it is a vital step to overcoming this numbing disorder.  

Starting today you need to participate in as many social situations as you possibly can.  Social Phobia disorder is not something that just disappears on its own but something you have to work at to see results.  Here are the steps I would take to begin exposing yourself.

Step 1- Say hello to someone you don’t know.  This can be someone you pass on the street or someone you see in a deli.  People will not realize you have social phobia disorder so don’t worry. You should strive to do this 5-10 times a day.

Step 2- Join in on a conversation you normally wouldn't, you'd be surprised how beneficial this can be to your social phobia disorder.  Try to join 4 conversations a day.

Step 3-  People with social phobia disorder do not normally have a big social circle.  Now that you are more comfortable saying hi and having conversations with people, try to establish friendships.  Invite people out to lunch, over your house, to the movies, to a ball game, anything to get you out of the house and more social.

Step 4- Repeat these steps until your start seeing positive results.  At first you might fail miserably but that is what this is all about.  You cannot overcome your social phobia disorder without failing first.  Get out there and start socializing.  You will be thrilled at the special people who start to enter you life.  To overcoming social phobia disorder. 

Best of luck and more to come!